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Unlock Real Flavour Watch the video to find out how to unlock the best flavour for this cut:
Pure South venison is free-range and pasture fed resulting in succulent meat packed with nutrients. The 5 rib rack is top of the range venison that is easy to cook.

Remove any thick pieces of fat and season the rack with salt, pepper and finely chopped garlic. Toss in a little olive oil. Brown in an ovenproof frying pan over high heat then place in a 200°C oven for about 15 – 20 minutes for medium.

Remove from the oven and transfer to a plate. Loosely cover with foil and rest 10 minutes.

Slice the rack into cutlets to serve.

Good with butter that has been mashed with finely chopped garlic, sliced Kalamata olives and chopped parsley.