Our award-winning Pure South Handpicked 10 Day Aged Lamb Rumps have outstanding tenderness, succulence, and flavour.
We farm as nature intended, allowing our animals to grow naturally free range in a low stress plentiful and nutrient rich grass-fed environment. Exceptional nature, care, and quality combine to bring you an exceptional meat-eating experience.
Pure South Handpicked Lamb embodies a new culture of craft meat committed to origin, taste, true eating quality and the butcher’s craft.
Lamb Rumps are a quick cooking and low fat cut. It comes from where the leg joins the loin and makes a perfect mini roast.
Indicative pack weight: 0.7 - 0.9 kg (4 per Pack)
State: Frozen / Not packed free-flow
Please note prices include GST. Shipping will be added at checkout.
Unlock Real Flavour
Watch the video to find out how to unlock the best flavour for this cut: